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magazine cover

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Drapery Study

Oil on Panel, 24" x 18". Really happy with the sense of depth and the shoulder drapery, sadly this was a female model, but I imagined her as an elderly greek male instead. All together this painting took about six hours.

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So I had to do a quick painting in one of my classes.. and is what came to be..

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Done in Illustrator and Painter X, Illustration done for the song 'Hurt' by Nine Inch Nails (or Cash). Looks a lot better as a tiff file, let me know what you think!

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Painted in Corel, tribute to N. C. Wyeth! learned a lot from this work.. Painter X is amazing, more digital paintings to come!

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Watercolor and ink.. not sure what to say, thought of a girl riding a giant fish

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Lets Get To Work

Currently looking for a new part time job.. I really don't enjoy looking for a new job. Watercolor, Painter 11, Photoshop.

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What has been lost

This project has been difficult. I wanted to create a purely photorealistic hand, which is much harder then I had expected it to be. The composition remained almost exactly the same as the original sketch, which seemed to have worked out very well; all the lines lead directly to the skin which the hand is offering to the stencils. I once again used metal wire to link the skin to the stencil, this time in a more staple-ish way.

Humans are constantly distancing themselves from what they are actually doing, and instead finding the most economical and practical way of achieving their goal. This work symbolizes a point were humans have become so economical that they have been reduced to mere black and white outlines. The hand above symbolizes humanity and is holding a small strip of skin, which the people below long to reclaim. Though the hand above seems to be more reminiscent of humanity today, it is only a cover up, for below the skin, is just another black and white hand.

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My newest work in the series dealing with spray paint and oil, the stencil for the background was the most time consuming, but I feel the complexity of the pattern and the simplicity of the female figure work well. I stained the wood the create the dark background. Actual size is H 48" x W 33", let me know what you think!